We’re a “big little Region”. We’re in 16 counties across three States. Our membership numbers continue to grow, along with our planned events, meet & greets, and other social opportunities. See where we’ve been, where we are today, and where we’re heading.


Sonnenschein Region Porsche Club of America
© 2025 - Sonnenschein Region Porsche Club of America (SONPCA)


Click Map to see the SONPCA Region Sonnenschein Region PCA is within PCA Zone 12 and covers several counties in South East Mississippi, South West Alabama, and Northern West Florida The Sonnenschein Region PCA includes the following counties: Mississippi: •George •Green •Harrison •Jackson •Perry •Stone •Wayne Alabama: •Baldwin •Clarke •Conecuh •Escambia •Mobile •Monroe •Washington Florida: •Escambia •Santa Rosa


1978 Porsche The Year SONPCA Formed Sonnenschein Region PCA was originally incorporated as the Gulf Coast Region on 30 Nov 78. In the mid 1990s interest was at a low, and the region became essentially inactive. In 1997 it was brought back to life by Gerald Davis who volunteered to be the first Sonnenschein president. Growth was rapid in those early years of re-invigoration and Sonnenschein won a PCA membership award in 1999. We were also blessed with a superb Facebook manager and Newsletter editor. We are on our fifth Sonnenschein president, and are fortunate to have 3 of 4 past presidents still active in the club. We've also received our 45th anniversary banner from PCA.


2025 Porsche Where SONPCA is Today Sonnenschein Region PCA generally provides a balance of both social and track events to satisfy our 235+ members. Social activities have included visits to a local vineyard, a ferry ride to Dauphin Island, tours through our countryside, car shows at the National Museum of Naval Aviation, and visits to a local car museum. For local track vents, we conducted over 150 DE and autocross events. So 2025 finds Sonnenschein with an active and enthusiastic membership enjoying many social activities, and looking forward to adding more events to our calendar. You, too, will be a welcome part of our present club and be a valued member in building our future...please join us!


Future Porsche SONPCA’s Future You are the future of the Sonnenschein Region PCA! Old and new Porsche owners alike, if you would like to experience ownership to the fullest, please join us! We organize monthly meetings, driving events such as Driver’s Education (DE) and Autocross (AX), as well as road rallies through the MS, AL, and FL countrysides. While centralized in the Pensacola, Florida area, we frequently head west to Mobile, or east to Destin. We enjoy meeting with our neighbor PCA regions as well as other car clubs, such as the Pensacola British Car Club. As a club, we would like to welcome you to the region, and for first time Porsche owners, to Porsche ownership. There is a lot of joy to be had with these fine automobiles, and we aim to exploit each and every one!


We’re a “big little Region”. We’re in 16 counties across three States. Our membership numbers continue to grow, along with our planned events, meet & greets, and other social opportunities. See where we’ve been, where we are today, and where we’re heading.


© 2025 - Sonnenschein Region Porsche Club of America (SONPCA)
Sonnenschein Region Porsche Club of America
Click Map to see the SONPCA Region Sonnenschein Region PCA is within PCA Zone 12 and covers several counties in South East Mississippi, South West Alabama, and Northern West Florida The Sonnenschein Region PCA includes the following counties: Mississippi: •George •Green •Harrison •Jackson •Perry •Stone •Wayne Alabama: •Baldwin •Clarke •Conecuh •Escambia •Mobile •Monroe •Washington Florida: •Escambia •Santa Rosa


1978 Porsche The Year SONPCA Formed Sonnenschein Region PCA was originally incorporated as the Gulf Coast Region on 30 Nov 78. In the mid 1990s interest was at a low, and the region became essentially inactive. In 1997 it was brought back to life by Gerald Davis who volunteered to be the first Sonnenschein president. Growth was rapid in those early years of re-invigoration and Sonnenschein won a PCA membership award in 1999. We were also blessed with a superb Facebook manager and Newsletter editor. We are on our fifth Sonnenschein president, and are fortunate to have 3 of 4 past presidents still active in the club. We've also received our 45th anniversary banner from PCA.


2025 Porsche Where SONPCA is Today Sonnenschein Region PCA generally provides a balance of both social and track events to satisfy our 235+ members. Social activities have included visits to a local vineyard, a ferry ride to Dauphin Island, tours through our countryside, car shows at the National Museum of Naval Aviation, and visits to a local car museum. For local track vents, we conducted over 150 DE and autocross events. So 2025 finds Sonnenschein with an active and enthusiastic membership enjoying many social activities, and looking forward to adding more events to our calendar. You, too, will be a welcome part of our present club and be a valued member in building our future...please join us!


Future Porsche SONPCA’s Future You are the future of the Sonnenschein Region PCA! Old and new Porsche owners alike, if you would like to experience ownership to the fullest, please join us! We organize monthly meetings, driving events such as Driver’s Education (DE) and Autocross (AX), as well as road rallies through the MS, AL, and FL countrysides. While centralized in the Pensacola, Florida area, we frequently head west to Mobile, or east to Destin. We enjoy meeting with our neighbor PCA regions as well as other car clubs, such as the Pensacola British Car Club. As a club, we would like to welcome you to the region, and for first time Porsche owners, to Porsche ownership. There is a lot of joy to be had with these fine automobiles, and we aim to exploit each and every one!